Day 25 - What’s In It For Me?
“God not only expects me to do His will, but He is in me to do it.” - Oswald Chambers
Death. Death is what's in it for us. If you opened up this chapter thinking this was a weird question, that you didn't even think of asking this about evangelism, I get it. We are addressing this question because, sadly, much ministry "busyness" boils down to motivations that, on the surface, seem like they're God-serving but in reality are self-prioritizing. We may not be physically asking ourselves, "What's in it for me?", but for many, their feet wouldn't dare to tread onto a path that didn't have something in it for them. For many, the unvoiced attitude is this: If what I'm spending my ministry time doing doesn't make me feel happier, more fulfilled, or comfortable, then it must not be the leading of the Lord.
Maybe you are reading this devotional and have never considered evangelism because even the very thought of it makes you feel like vomiting from the uneasiness you feel when talking to strangers. What's in it for you? Death to your nervousness and fear of man, giving you the opportunity to fear God and God alone. Maybe you are enjoying your job or ministry, where the things being asked of you fall well within
the gifts and talents you already possess. What's in it for you? Death to your strength, that His power may be made perfect in your weakness.
Ultimately, stepping out in obedience means there are parts of us that must be laid down in surrender. It won't be comfortable, it won't be glamorous, and it might not feel peaceful, but He will give you His peace, not as the world gives, but as only God can instill. We must be living in a perpetual state of surrender to Him, because evangelism will not feel like self-care, as it is an act of self-denial.
So, why would we step into living a lifestyle that continually calls out the discomfort in us? He is worthy of the death of our fleshly nature, our full surrender, and our obedience to His Word. He is worthy of a people who choose to know Him and make Him known. Galatians 2:20 says, "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me, and the life which I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." This verse tells us that not only is He worthy as He has given Himself freely to us, but it also expresses that when we say "yes" to Jesus, no part of us survives the transaction. It is actually Him living through us. We have died, and so choose to follow the one whose steps lead to a cross.
"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." - Matthew 16:24b
This is what true surrender looks like. Dead men. Dead women. Living as Christ did on the earth.
Do we recognize that as Jesus endured the cross "for the joy set before Him" (Heb. 12:2), we in turn can walk out our death with joy?
What's in it for us? He gets the glory He deserves and full possession of the people He has been after since the creation of the world. The Bridegroom gets to rejoice over His Bride, and we get the privilege of introducing her to Him.
Challenge: Envision fully surrendered ones who have given over their hands, feet, and voices to the One who created them. What would the Lord do with such people?