Day 6 - Am I Qualified To Evangelize?

Throughout the scriptures, time and time again, men and women are being asked by God to do what they feel is impossible. Moses' response was "Who am I?", while Gideon felt inadequate and unworthy, stating that his clan was the weakest in Manasseh, and he himself was the least in his family (Judges 6:15). Yet, through God's

strength, they were able to accomplish all He set them out to do.

While training young missionaries to go full-time into the field, we often encourage them by saying, "Don’t be surprised if God leads us to do things we cannot accomplish on our own. It is in moments like these that we are forced to rely on something bigger than ourselves to accomplish the tasks.”

"Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." - 2 Corinthians 3:5-6

Many modern day Christians never give God the opportunity to stretch them. We often place God in a box within the confines of our own feelings and insecurities. We frequently hear Christians ask us, "How can you find the courage to approach a stranger like that? I could never do it." The reality is, it only requires one simple step - surrender. It means stepping into God's will above our own, discovering that once you take that step, God will take you places you never thought you would go.

Trust in His ability to work through you, and surrender any doubts or fears to Him, allowing His transformative power to shine through your life. You have been saved and transformed by the power of the Gospel, and that same power is available to you, as you share it with others. We may feel inadequate, and we might try to come up with excuses as to why we might never be able to evangelize. I want to encourage you to challenge all your thoughts with His Word. God is looking to produce something within you that will revolutionize your community. Let's trust in Him and allow that trust to break the box we may have placed Him in.

Challenge: We implore you to surrender to the Lord's finished work within you. God has specifically placed you in your community for a purpose. Ask the Lord today to reveal the depths of that purpose and remember, when it feels too big, it might just be God speaking.