Day 1 - What is Evangelism?

Before we can answer the question “What is Evangelism?”, we have to build a context for what the heart of the question is really asking. Modern day evangelists and evangelism efforts have taken an array of different approaches, angles, and even perversions at times, potentially distorting our perspectives of what the Word of God is actually commanding of us. Dependence on a specific method cannot be the driving force but our relationship with the Lord should be the sole compelling factor to making Him known. Jesus said, "If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father'' (John 14:9). Scripts, distributing gifts, door knocking, stopping people in the streets- many have tried to create methods labeled “evangelism”, but we must remember what evangelism is in its purest form. This, my brothers and sisters, is evangelism- someone who is a living, breathing display of God's heartbeat on the earth, one compelled by Christ's love (2 Corinthians 5:14-15)… a Christian. Even in the word Christian, we find the word “Christ”, symbolizing who it is that we follow. We must recognize that different methods and approaches will be used to share the gospel, but evangelism isn’t about a method - it is the very life of Christ displayed through a surrendered Christian. “It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me and the life which I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.” - Galatians 2:20

The reality is that across America less than 5% of church-goers have ever won a soul for Christ. Pastors have had to resort to encouraging their congregations with "let's invite one person to church this year" as a hope to get us motivated to reach the lost. The sad reality is that many modern day believers are asleep, and in fact, in a lot of "Christian" circles you can't tell the difference between a “Christian” and the world they are supposed to be the light to. To speak plainly, the world is going to hell unless the Bride of Christ, the Church, rises up and takes their place (Romans 10:14-15). What we need is a revelation of the Word of God to set fire to preconceived, unbiblical, and self-prioritizing notions. It's time for the followers of Christ to allow the Word to guide every move they make. It's the only way the world will be reconciled to the Father. It's the only way we will be the Bride He desires. We must follow the life and example of Jesus; it is the only way.

There may be many reasons why you are engaging with this devotional, but regardless of what brought you into this journey with us, we recognize that God’s plans for your surrendered life far exceed what anyone can conceive of. “For the eyes of the LORD roam to and fro over all the earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are fully devoted to Him…” - 2 Chronicles 16:9a As we give Him our hearts fully devoted, He promises to show Himself strong on our behalf. He is ready to transform your community, your city, your mission field, through you!