Day 10 - What is the Gospel?

According to the scriptures, the gospel cannot be changed, distorted, or added to. Just like God, it was the same yesterday, and it will be the same tomorrow. Regrettably, some have intentionally or unintentionally altered, adjusted, and included extra elements in the gospel, aiming to make it more appealing and increase the number of people who get “saved”. If someone accepts an altered version of the gospel, are they really being saved at all? I want to be clear that the message given to us through His word is the revelation of God's plan for forgiveness of sins and eternal life to all who believe. Though the methods of sharing the gospel

may vary, the gospel itself is perfect the way God made it. It speaks clearly in every context and culture and does not need the “wisdom” or “creativity” of man to improve upon it. To understand the gospel more fully, we can break it down into four essential points: God, Man, Christ, and Faith.

1. God: The gospel starts with an understanding of who God is. There is one God- He is holy, just, and loving. He created the universe and all that is in it. God desires a relationship with humanity, but sin has separated us from Him.

2. Man: Every human being is sinful and falls short of God's standard of holiness. Our sinful nature separates us from God, and we cannot save ourselves through our own efforts or good works. We are in need of a Savior.

3. Christ: Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God who came to earth, lived a perfect and sinless life, and willingly sacrificed Himself on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus provides the only way for us to be reconciled to God.

4. Faith: Salvation is received by faith. We must personally believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, acknowledging our need for His forgiveness and surrendering our lives to Him. It is only through faith in Jesus that we are justified and receive the gift of eternal life.

The gospel is not merely a collection of intellectual beliefs or moral teachings. It is a life-transforming message beckoning us to repent of our sins, turn to God, and accept the forgiveness and new life made available only through Jesus.