Day 12 - How Do I Share The Gospel?

The most direct and practical way to share the gospel to anyone is to use your personal testimony. Your testimony, when shared correctly, is a living display of the gospel’s power in action. Regardless of whether you find yourself talking to friends, family, or complete strangers, the story of how Jesus saved and transformed you is a display of the gospel to them.

Making a conscious effort to share the gospel can take on a variety of forms. You may find yourself planning door-to-door outreaches, organizing events, or simply making the most of each and every conversation that takes place throughout your day. Regardless of the specific method, it is vital that a real and lasting form of discipleship is curated alongside a biblically accurate explanation of the gospel message. If we are to follow the example of Christ we must prioritize relationships over statistics. It’s not enough to knock on every door in your community, the proof that the gospel message carries power in us, is that we emulate the lasting compassion and leadership of Christ.

As a ministry, we look for every opportunity to share the love and message of Christ with our community. Whether we’re at a restaurant or grocery store, we have committed not to leaving without being the light to that specific place. We have made it our mission to go to every door in our community, asking a simple question, “Can we pray for you?” Out of the tens of thousands of doors we have reached, you would be shocked at how most of the people we talk to are open to a neighbor standing with them in prayer (70% of those we talk to door to door are open to prayer). We often follow those conversations with, “Can we pray right now?”, and we will authentically pray for their needs right at that moment. If you do this with true love and authenticity, they will often be amazed. Most people rarely experience true and authentic love (even from their own loved ones), and when they realize we are not there to tell them about an upcoming eventor to simply invite them to our church, you can often sense a shift in their demeanor. We are there for them as a people because we care, and though these conversations will often lead them to attend a church, they need to see we are there for them. Depending on the season they’re in (planting, watering, or harvest) and the leading of the Holy Spirit we’ll invite them to receive Jesus as their savior. Many times, if they’re not immediately receptive to the idea, it’s because of past hurt, wrongful assumptions of christianity or what it means to be saved. We often see responses like: “I try to be a good person”, or “I’m too far gone”. We often follow with: “How many good things will we have to do to make up for all the wrong?”

The point is that we cannot work or earn our way to heaven. It is at this point I will tell them the gospel through my personal testimony. “There was a point in my life where I too thought by being a good person I can make it into heaven, but then, someone showed me in scripture that it can't be earned by works. The only way to cleanse me of my sin is by making Jesus the Lord of my life. It was His death on the cross that paid the debt for my sin. By making Him my Lord, He gives me access to a relationship with God here and now.” I then say, “Maybe you believe in Jesus but you have never made Him Lord. Believing in Him is much different than making Him Lord of your life. Just like I knocked on your door today, He is knocking on the door of your heart. If Jesus was here right now, would you let Him in?”

Challenge: Bring your neighbor a gift and ask them if they have anything you can pray with them about. Then ask them if you can pray with them over that situation right now. Tell them about your relationship with the Lord and how it brought you to where you are in life. Follow the spirit of the Lord as it guides you through the conversation. It may lead to inviting them to your church or leading them into their first conversation with God. Stay genuine and do it all in love.