What to Bring
• Five Outfits: Shorts must be below fingertips when hands are at your sides. Capris, long shorts, or leggings are perfect. We will be doing a lot of serving, and we want to be sure everyone is comfortable and modest. Ladies, no strapless shirts, tank tops, crop tops, or tight clothing that is revealing – shirts should cover your butt. Remember, modest is hottest ;) Bring one extra outfit in case of anything.
• City Week T-Shirt: Students will each receive one CITY WEEK t-shirt to keep. They will receive this on Monday, June 24th, at orientation.
• Nice Outfit for Service: Plan to bring a nice outfit for the service on Wednesday night as we will be having a combined service in the Chapel with the rest of our Ascend Students.
• Bedding: Remember it’s hot outside, and we will be in an air-conditioned area, but it may still be hot. Bring bedding (sleeping bag or sheets) and a blanket. Bunk beds are twin-sized.
• Pillow
• Swimsuit: Shirt and shorts to wear in the pool. We may have free time. If we do, we will be all together, and so we ask that everyone is prepared to swim with a shirt and shorts. No rules on the type of shirt or shorts; tank tops are fine for POOL ONLY.
• Underwear, Socks, and Shoes: Please wear CLOSED-TOED SHOES ONLY. No sandals except for in showers. Be prepared to wear comfortable walking shoes each day. Trust me, those cute shoes won’t be any help during City Week. Bring shower sandals though… you won’t regret that!
• Bathroom Items: Deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, poof, makeup, hair products. Remember, we are on a missions trip. No need to be glamorous! You will look great sharing the love of Jesus with or without all the extras! Let’s spend more time focused on Him and not worried about what we look like.
• Towels: Bring two towels each. We will have showers but want to make sure we have enough clean towels.
• PJs for 4 Nights: Please note, even though our sleeping arrangements are separate, we want to still be respectful of each other – girls to girls and guys to guys. Please be prepared to wear appropriate sleepwear for each night. If sleeping in shorts, they must be below fingertips when hands are at your sides. No tank tops or spaghetti strap sleepwear. Leggings and big t-shirts are perfect for ladies, and basketball shorts and t-shirts are great for guys :)
• Medicine: All medicine must be checked in with Pastor Chris on Monday. You will hold onto it, but please see him Monday to let him know what you have in your bag for medicine. We will also have parents fill out a medical sheet upon arrival so that we can keep students on track with any medication they need to be taking.
• Phone Charger: Although you won’t have much time for your phone! :)
• Notebook and Pen
• Bible: Please bring your hard copy Bible. We are refraining from using our phones for devotional times to cut out distractions.
• Snacks: We will have snacks for you guys. You can bring some of your own. Just be sure they are properly closed and not open for bugs, bears, lions… or Pastor Chris…
• Five Outfits: Shorts must be below fingertips when hands are at your sides. Capris, long shorts, or leggings are perfect. We will be doing a lot of serving, and we want to be sure everyone is comfortable and modest. Ladies, no strapless shirts, tank tops, crop tops, or tight clothing that is revealing – shirts should cover your butt. Remember, modest is hottest ;) Bring one extra outfit in case of anything.
• City Week T-Shirt: Students will each receive one CITY WEEK t-shirt to keep. They will receive this on Monday, June 24th, at orientation.
• Nice Outfit for Service: Plan to bring a nice outfit for the service on Wednesday night as we will be having a combined service in the Chapel with the rest of our Ascend Students.
• Bedding: Remember it’s hot outside, and we will be in an air-conditioned area, but it may still be hot. Bring bedding (sleeping bag or sheets) and a blanket. Bunk beds are twin-sized.
• Pillow
• Swimsuit: Shirt and shorts to wear in the pool. We may have free time. If we do, we will be all together, and so we ask that everyone is prepared to swim with a shirt and shorts. No rules on the type of shirt or shorts; tank tops are fine for POOL ONLY.
• Underwear, Socks, and Shoes: Please wear CLOSED-TOED SHOES ONLY. No sandals except for in showers. Be prepared to wear comfortable walking shoes each day. Trust me, those cute shoes won’t be any help during City Week. Bring shower sandals though… you won’t regret that!
• Bathroom Items: Deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, shampoo and conditioner, body wash, poof, makeup, hair products. Remember, we are on a missions trip. No need to be glamorous! You will look great sharing the love of Jesus with or without all the extras! Let’s spend more time focused on Him and not worried about what we look like.
• Towels: Bring two towels each. We will have showers but want to make sure we have enough clean towels.
• PJs for 4 Nights: Please note, even though our sleeping arrangements are separate, we want to still be respectful of each other – girls to girls and guys to guys. Please be prepared to wear appropriate sleepwear for each night. If sleeping in shorts, they must be below fingertips when hands are at your sides. No tank tops or spaghetti strap sleepwear. Leggings and big t-shirts are perfect for ladies, and basketball shorts and t-shirts are great for guys :)
• Medicine: All medicine must be checked in with Pastor Chris on Monday. You will hold onto it, but please see him Monday to let him know what you have in your bag for medicine. We will also have parents fill out a medical sheet upon arrival so that we can keep students on track with any medication they need to be taking.
• Phone Charger: Although you won’t have much time for your phone! :)
• Notebook and Pen
• Bible: Please bring your hard copy Bible. We are refraining from using our phones for devotional times to cut out distractions.
• Snacks: We will have snacks for you guys. You can bring some of your own. Just be sure they are properly closed and not open for bugs, bears, lions… or Pastor Chris…