Day 11 - How Do I Share the Gospel?

It breaks our hearts to see a popular study showing that only 17% of churchgoers can explain what "The Great Commission" is. This means that 83% of churchgoers are unable to understand and communicate the commission Jesus gave to His followers to “Go into all the world and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 24:46-49, John 20:21, Acts 1:8). Though, we have been given the greatest gift offered to humanity: we go to church every Sunday, we hear His word, and we are encouraged, yet still, many of us cannot express the heart of the Father for His lost sons and daughters. We could explore a list of ways to share the "good news message" and provide an exhaustive list of methods that are both relatable and aligned with the scriptures. Although many ministries place all their focus on these methodologies, we have discovered that it is far more effective to follow the example clearly laid out by Jesus. He served as a living demonstration of the Father's heart, and when we observe His life, we quickly realize that He did not approach each person in the same manner but tailored His approach to meet the individuals' unique needs. This manner of evangelism can only come by hearing and responding to the Holy Spirit through each and every conversation. People who participate in evangelism classes often seek a "methodical" or "structured" script to use for their every interaction. Though the script may be accurate, this can cause a dependency on a script over the partnership with the Holy spirit that prompts us in our interactions. It's essential to tune our ears to listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit during every encounter. If God was reconciling the world to Himself through Christ and now entrusts us with this message, it is essential to look to Jesus as the basis for making the Father known above any cookie cutter script we could give you.

"No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made Him known." - John 1:18

John explains that Jesus Himself made the Father known through His close relationship with Him. Through Jesus’ intimate connection to Him, God was made known to humanity. While some may not may not like to hear this, the most effective way to share the gospel is to deepen our relationship with the Father Himself. As we seek to know Him more, our hearts align with His, His desires become ours, and we become increasingly convicted to live a life that transcends worldly priorities. By knowing Him more, we will make Him known.

Challenge: Partner with the Holy Spirit. He will lead you in one clear direction - into a closer relationship with God. As a result, you’ll find yourself sharing the gospel and making Him known everywhere you go.