Day 2 - What is Evangelism?

In John 13:34, Jesus says: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” Jesus' words should shut down our tendency to tally and track statistics as if they are the absolute validation of any evangelistic effort. If Jesus said that to see Him was to see the Father, and we call ourselves His followers, then our lives ought to be a living display of Jesus, and in turn, a display of the Father right here, and right now, on the earth.

Despite our own shifting perspectives of evangelism, we must align our different ideologies to the Word of Truth. What is evangelism? Evangelism is a call to the truest form of love for one another. Not as the world loves but as Christ loves us. It's a willingness to sacrifice self for another's benefit, a willingness to continue loving after being rejected. It's not just about doing “good things” or extending an invitation to a church service. It's not just a weekend event, or merely a one time conversation (though evangelism can take place in these moments). It is a people who have fully surrendered the Lordship of their life to another's authority, allowing that authority to live through their every action.

Though it is an honor to usher someone into their first conversation with God, evangelism is not just leading people into a sinner's prayer. It is a commitment to stand with that individual and a dedication to walk with them into a real and biblically authentic relationship with Christ. One of the biggest issues with American evangelism today is that it lacks sincerity and the follow through of truly loving the

ones we are ministering to.

You may have started this devotional unsure that you would agree that you are called to evangelize, but we can all agree that we are called to love. If love is literally "made complete" in us by being like Jesus, then we must adhere our whole lives to that love.

Challenge: We challenge you to surrender to His Lordship, allowing His love to be made complete in you so that His love will be displayed through you. This can't be forced, put on, or faked. This can only come as a result of nearing in proximity to Him. Remember that in today’s culture, people won't want what you have unless they first see it displayed in you.