Chapter 8

Mark 8 highlights the tension between faith and misunderstanding, but what really stands out is the cost of following Jesus. In verses 34-38, Jesus says something that hits hard: “If anyone wants to follow me [as my disciple], they must deny themselves [set aside selfish interests], take up their cross [be willing to endure whatever comes], and follow me.” That’s a powerful call, and honestly, it’s tough to live out every day.

It’s a reminder that our purpose isn’t centered around what we want. It’s about making disciples and living for the gospel. That means setting aside our own plans and focusing on what God wants for us. You might be thinking, “But I’m just in middle or high school—I have plenty of time.” Jesus makes it clear: “Whoever tries to hold on to their life will lose it, but whoever gives it up for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.” The time is now, no matter your age.

So, to all the middle and high schoolers—this is the moment to go all in. It won’t always be easy. There will be times when you feel distant from God, when it’s hard, and when you don’t see the point. But this is when you lean in, take up your cross, and say, “I’m all in, Lord. Whatever You have for me - I’m ready.”

Questions for Today: 

What are the things I need to lay down to give God my all?

How can I make a difference on my school campus or workplace?

Who do I have speaking into my life equipping me into someone who can carry the gospel message?


Holy Spirit, as we conclude this devotion, I humbly ask You to reveal the areas in my life where I have not been putting You first. Show me the places where my priorities have drifted away from Your will. Holy Spirit, I pray for ears that are open to hear Your voice, eyes that are open to see Your guidance, and a heart that is open and willing to place You above everything else. I declare today that no matter what storms arise or how challenging the circumstances may be, I am fully committed to You. I accept the call and declare that the time is NOW to live out my faith boldly. Help me to take up my cross daily, for the sake of the gospel, and to be a light shining brightly on my school campus, workplace, and every place You lead me. Let my life be a testimony of Your love, grace, and truth. Amen.