Chapter 12
Mark 12 has a lot of parables told and instances that we can fixate on, but there’s a couple that really stand out. One is of Jesus telling the Sadducees a response regarding marriage (all hypothetical in the event a husband dies), but Jesus’ response is stating who God is and that He is the God of the living, not the dead, to remind them that there will be resurrection and that our God has the power of the impossible (vs 18-27).
In this chapter, there is another key story, one of the widow and her offering. It can be hard to think “what do I give to God, when He already has everything,” and that’s a question I’m certain the widow asked. What could her mere two coins do, for God, who lacks nothing. But the beauty in this story is that despite her doubt, she gave selflessly, fully trusting that God was in control. Jesus recognized that she gave everything, not just what she wanted or what was excess, but she gave all that she had. That’s the type of sacrifice that we can give the Lord, keeping our hand open when He blesses us, and remembering this is all His anyway - my time, my talents, my money. So in that, let me do all I can to honor my God (vs 41-44).
Questions for Today:
What ways do you tend to forget God’s capabilities? Where do you fear He isn’t capable?
How can you honor the Lord today in all you do? What can you surrender today?
Jesus, today I pray that I will walk in faith - fully expectant of what only You can do. Give me the confidence to give back what is rightfully Yours, and let me walk in your peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.