Chapter 2

Mark 2 gives us a clear picture of who Jesus really is and what He cares about. In Mark 2:5, it says, “When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’” Imagine that scene: a group of friends are so determined to help their friend that they literally tear a hole in someone’s roof to get him in front of Jesus. What’s surprising is that instead of healing the man right away, Jesus starts by forgiving his sins. This shows us that Jesus is all about getting to the heart of the matter—He’s not just interested in fixing what’s on the surface; He wants to heal what’s inside first.

Jesus has the power to deal with our deepest issues, like guilt, shame, or fear—things we might not always show on the outside. This chapter also highlights the importance of friendships. The faith of the paralyzed man’s friends played a huge role in his healing, reminding us that our faith isn’t just about us; it can have a big impact on the people around us.

Think about your own life: do you have friends who might need you to bring them closer to Jesus? Maybe they’re going through something tough, and your faith could make a difference for them. Just like the friends in the story, sometimes we need to step up and help our friends find hope and healing in Jesus. Or maybe you relate more to the paralyzed man—there might be things in your life that you need healing from. No matter which part of this story speaks to you, the bottom line is that Jesus can restore.

Questions for Today: 

Is there someone in your life who needs you to be there for them, bringing them closer to Jesus? How can you do that this week?


Jesus, thank You for being someone who sees beyond what’s on the outside and cares about what’s going on inside me. Help me to be the kind of friend who brings others closer to You. Give me the courage and wisdom to know how to help my friends when they need it. Heal the deep things in my heart that others don’t see so that I can be more like you. In Your name I pray, Amen.