Chapter 7

Reading through this chapter, there are so many focal points to reference. One that embodies Christ’s message is purity. We see reading through this chapter the majority is of Jesus teaching the Pharisees what makes someone “pure” versus what was just a ritual practiced by those who are fixated on religion rather than relationship. Jesus chooses to bring gentle correction by redirecting the Pharisees' judgment for what the disciples did by skipping a ceremonial step prior to eating. Jesus says “It is what comes from inside that defiles you. For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you.” (Mark 7:20-23) So with all that said, we need to look at ourselves inwardly, what does my heart reflect? How do I represent Christ with my thoughts, my actions, and my desires?  It’s easy to think our thoughts don’t matter when they aren’t spoken aloud, but in reality, they impact our walk with God, change our mindset, and alter our perspectives, so when we see ourselves becoming critical- just like the Pharisees, maybe it’s a sign to stop, reflect, and see what the root issue is. 

Questions for Today: 

Is there anything in my heart or in my mind that is keeping me from reflecting Christ’s image today? 

How can I show who Jesus is to those around me? 

How can I respond as Jesus would throughout the day with friends, family, teachers? 


Lord, I thank You that You bring corrections and care enough to redirect me when I become hypocritical and judgemental. I pray as we walk throughout the day that You would help me to become more like You, to love like You, and to have clean hands and a pure heart. I want to be more like You - help me show Your love to those around me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.