Chapter 1

Mark 1 is definitely a quick way to get introduced to Jesus and His ministry. There’s so much in this chapter from Jesus being baptized and the Spirit speaking to Jesus calling his followers (known as the disciples) and healing many people. We see so much of Jesus’s character in this opening chapter, but I want to hone in on verse 41. Jesus is approached by a man with leprosy, which is a contagious skin disease, and Jesus, moved by compassion, says “I am willing [to heal you]; be cleansed.” This verse is proof that Jesus loves us, wants us to be whole, and wants us to live life in all its fullness. 

Imagine being able to look into Jesus’s eyes and see Him moved with compassion on you, on your struggles, and for Him to fix them, to reassure you that He’s for you and He’s with you. We have that ability to tune in and connect with Jesus. He IS for you, and He IS with you. We just need to come to Him with our issues and ask for help.

Question for Today: 

Where do you need Jesus to have compassion on you today?


Jesus, thank you for coming down from Heaven and living with us. For knowing and seeing our struggles, and for having compassion on us. Help us to bring our problems to you, rather than hiding them away, Lord. I need you to come into my life and walk with me. It’s in Your name I pray, Amen.