Day 7 - Holy Spirit

Chris Fullam

God has three distinct sides (sometimes referred to as “Persons”), which we call the Trinity. As Pastor Chris illustrates, the Trinity is just three parts to make up one complete God. The first “Person” (or part) of the Trinity is God the Father. God the Father reigns in Heaven; He is the Creator of the Universe. He is completely sovereign (full control), completely holy (no darkness is in Him), and He sent His only son (Jesus) to save humanity. Jesus is the second part of the Trinity, and as discussed in Day 4, He is the Resurrected One; He defeated death, Hell, and the grave, so that we could come into relationship with God the Father. Jesus also sent us the third part of the Trinity – the Holy Spirit.


Sometimes you’ll hear people say “Holy Ghost,” which also means Holy Spirit, but He’s also known as “the Spirit of God,” “the Spirit,” “the Helper,” “the Advocate,” and “the Comforter.” The Holy Spirit is alive and active on earth, and He is continually with us. Before Jesus ascended to Heaven to be with the Father, He told His disciples that He was sending them a “Helper” and “Advocate,” and that they would do greater works than Jesus had done (John 14). This Helper arrives in Acts 2 and empowers the disciples to go share what Jesus has done. From that moment on, the disciples walked in power and called on the Holy Spirit whenever they needed to. The Holy Spirit that appeared in Acts 2 is the same Spirit that is still with us and lives within Christians. Whenever we say yes to Jesus, the Holy Spirit enters our lives and renews our inner spirit, so we can now have relationship with God. It is also the Holy Spirit that empowers us to pray for others, lay hands on the sick, and believe for healing. Holy Spirit empowers us to do all that Jesus did on earth and more!


There are certain signs that you are allowing the Holy Spirit to work in your life. We call these the “fruits of the Spirit,” and they’re outlined in Galatians 5:18-25. The more we walk with the Holy Spirit, the more we will see “good fruit” in our lives.


TRY THIS: So you made it - the final day of Climb 1. We encourage you to take the next step... jump into Climb 2, and let's grow some more! Today as you go through your day, ask Jesus to show you areas in your life where the "fruit of the spirit" needs to be worked on. Maybe you need to work on being more loving, kind or gentle... or maybe patience is something you need to work on. Whatever it is, ask Jesus to show you, and then search your bible for scriptures about that "fruit". You can search love... or faithfulness... the Bible app will pull up every scripture that uses that word. So dive deeper into your word, and ask Jesus to help you grow in that area.

PRAY THIS: Jesus, I want people to see you in me. When my family and friends look at me, I want them to see love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control... Show me the areas I need to work on, and help me to remember that it's not about being perfect but about running to you and leaning on you when I am weak. Thank you for loving me where I am and for being so patient with me. You are love. Amen.