Day 4 - Jesus

Analysa Fullam

“Jesus” is a name we hear often, both inside and outside of church, but who was He? Different people will give you different answers – some will say “He’s the son of God”, others will say “Jesus is love”, and you might get an answer like “He’s the way, the truth, and the light”. All of those are right! But… Jesus is also a lot of other things, so let’s break this down a little bit…


To start, Jesus was a man, and He was also the son of God. Jesus was the baby in the manger born to the virgin Mary, who grew up and walked the earth as fully human and fully God. He performed countless miracles and lived a perfect life, without sin. The first four books of the New Testament are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John; we call them “the Gospel,” and they give four different perspectives of Jesus’s life here on earth. In the Gospels, you can read about the different miracles, healings, and people Jesus impacted, but even greater than those, you’ll read about how and why Jesus died.


Jesus lived a sinless life and was constantly in communication with God the Father. He came down from Heaven and died to fulfill the debt that we owed from our sin. He took our sin on the cross as the perfect sacrifice, so that we could have relationship with God that we couldn’t have previously, due to our sin. This is the salvation Jesus brought us that we discussed on Day 1.


Three days after Jesus died, He rose from the grave, proving Himself as the son of God who had power over death, Hell, and the grave. Jesus is alive! While He may not be walking around the earth in flesh, He ascended to Heaven, sits at the right hand of God the Father, advocates on our behalf. What does that mean? He prays for us - Jesus says to God the Father, “Look! I took care of that on the cross, they confessed their sins and gave them to me, so I paid for it!”


Jesus is the lover of your soul. He loves you so much that He left Heaven and died for your sins, just so that when you die, you can spend eternity in Heaven with Him and God the Father.


Pastor Analysa gave you a personal account of hearing the voice of Jesus and falling in love with Him, so today, make room to hear Jesus. Ask Jesus to speak to you, and then take 5-10 minutes to listen and journal what you hear or feel.

TRY THIS: Put aside an extra 10 minutes today - put worship music on in the background (you can use our ASCEND Spotify Playlist ASCEND Mix Vol. 1), and spend extra time today journaling. Don't overthink it, just sit and write whatever comes to your mind. I promise, He will speak... we just need to make room for Him.

PRAY THIS: Jesus, speak to me... I am listening. (Now wait, in silence and let Him speak)