Day 1 - Salvation

Chris Fullam

Salvation is a very fancy word meaning “to be saved”.

You might ask, “saved from what?” As Pastor Chris explains, we are saved from sin. Much like he was saved from the water by a lifeguard, when we say yes to Jesus, we are saved from sin.


Sin is anything that separates you from God. If you know the story of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3), then you know that all men and women are born into sin, separated from God. We cannot save ourselves, no matter how hard we try.


That’s why we need Jesus. You’ll learn more on another day in Climb 1 about who Jesus is, but for now, you should know that Jesus was the only man to never sin. He had perfect relationship and communication with God in Heaven, and He chose to die on the cross for our sins. Jesus dealt with our sins by taking them on himself and fulfilling what should be our punishment. Because of this, we can now have relationship with God and be saved.


When we say yes to Jesus, we are believing that He died for sins, and we are starting a relationship with Him. When we pray for Jesus to come into our hearts, we are accepting His act of love of hanging on the cross as payment and sacrifice for our sins, and we now can have a relationship with God.


Just like starting any relationship, you have to get to know the other person. So, what do you do after asking Jesus into your heart? You get to know Him, you ask people about Him, and you take refuge in the fact that you are right with God.

TRY THIS: This week, put aside 10 minutes each day to sit down and spend time with Jesus. How and what should you do during this time?

1. Watch these bible plans daily (5 minutes)

2. Spend 5 minutes journaling and writing down any thoughts and prayers.

3. Ask Jesus to show you areas you can grow, write those down, and apply them this week. Challenge yourself to do better. We believe in you!

PRAY THIS: Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross so that I can be free. Help me to grow closer to you. I want to be more like you; show me areas in my life that I need to change and grow in. Speak to me; I want to hear your voice. Change me from the inside out and make me new. Amen.