Church Hurt

Oct 25, 2023    Chris Fullam

We've all been hurt at some point in our lives. If you haven't, consider yourself #blessed. Some of us have been hurt by someone close to us... and those wounds hurt the worst...

Most of us could probably say we've been hurt by someone in the church. People are imperfect... even church people. The church is full of hurting people in various stages of healing, and we know the old saying "hurting people hurt people".

The Bible tells us to "live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose." BUT the Bible also says "offenses must come." So somehow we're supposed to live in harmony realizing that we will get offended...

Here are 4 ways that we find ourselves hurt or offended:

1. Unsatisfied Expectations - "I thought THIS was going to happen, but it never did."

2. Unmet Needs - "I needed you, and you didn't come through."

3. Unclear Communication - "That's not what you said."

4. Unresolved Conflict - "This situation happened, and nothing was ever done about it."

Offense will come, and you will get hurt... BUT it was not God that hurt you or let you down.

DON'T confuse the dealings of God's people with the dealings of God.

Once we recognize our hurt or offense, how do we move forward?

1. RECOGNIZE - don't sugarcoat or avoid necessary conversations.

2. RECEIVE grace and give grace - most situations involve more than one person, meaning you likely weren't the only one hurt or offended in the situation. Make things right where you need to.

3. REBUILD - this takes time... and that's ok.