Sin Issues

Nov 15, 2023    Chris Fullam

We all have issues, right? Even if we don't want to admit our issues, they still exist. Romans 3:23 tells us that "everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard." So what exactly is "sin"?

There are many definitions of "sin", such as going against God's Word, meeting a desire outside of God's intended design, or missing the mark on what God has said... the simplest definition of "sin" is anything that Jesus wouldn't do.

The very first sin happened in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:4-6). Here we see the enemy's (the serpent) strategy is to get you away from God by questioning and getting you to doubt who God is and what He has said.

Your SIN issue is really a BELIEF issue!

Pastor Chris gave an illustration using two ladders. One ladder represents your relationship with Jesus, and the other represents sin and the world. If you place one foot on each ladder, you can only climb so high before you have to choose a side. If you try to climb up both ladders, you will fall. If you choose to climb the ladder of the world, it will put you on a path away from Jesus, but if you choose to climb the ladder toward Jesus, the lies of the enemy get farther away.

Going back to Romans 3, if you read on to verse 24, it explains that Jesus paid the penalties for our sins. Choosing Jesus doesn't mean that we never mess up; it means He is there to help us pick up the pieces and climb the ladder closer to Him again.