Fear Issues

Nov 1, 2023    Chris Fullam

Do you scare easily? Or are you one of those people who like to scare others? Or maybe you love being scared?

We all know how it feels to be scared. Some of us love the sensation, and some of us absolutely hate it. The Bible is clear that as believers we do not have to live in fear, but so many of us walk around afraid of the future or are full of anxiety. See Proverbs 12:25

We often hear in church that we should fight fear with faith, but what does that mean? Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, but fear is the opposite of faith - it's the substance of doubt. Fear is what we dread the most and makes us anxious. Faith is belief that fills us with hope, but fear is belief that fills us with dread (Hebrews 11:1).

So which one do you feed more - faith or fear? Do you fill yourself with things that bring you hope, or do you fill yourself with things that bring you dread? Think about what you watch (tv, movies, etc) and listen to (music, podcasts, etc.). 2 Timothy 1:7 tells us that God gives us a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind, so if you find yourself full of fear or anxiety, it's coming from a different source.

You have three choices with any thing you're faced with:

1. Reject It - Close the door, don't allow it in your life or mind.

2. Receive It - Open the door, give whatever it is space in your heart and mind.

3. Redeem It - Ask Jesus for wisdom on how to proceed with the situation.

Here's how to increase (or grow) your faith: get to know Jesus and His Word. Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of God.