
Jun 19, 2024    Daniel Norris

The full story of Jehu can be read in 2 Kings chapters 9 and 10, but just know Jehu was full of ZEAL for the Lord in everything he did. In order for us to advance the Kingdom of God, we have to be full of zeal.

Marks of a Zealous Generation:

- You’re supposed to stand out. You shouldn’t look or sound like the rest of the world. 

- We want to do great things publicly, but you will never be great in public if you have not be found by the Lord in private. 

- The men saw Jehu as a king before he did. Your peers are waiting for you to lead. You’re called to lead.

1. A Zealous Generation is a FEARLESS Generation

- They give no ear to the criticism of those who sit idle in the crowd.

- They surrender their own fears, insecurities, and weakness to the call of God on their lives.

- They leave nothing on the table.

- They feel the urgency of the moment, waste no time, and go immediately to work.

2. A Zealous Generation is a FORERUNNER Generation

- It says “I’ll be first”

3. A Zealous Generation is a FAITHFUL generation

- This means you are the same person everywhere - at church, home, work, the store, etc...

- You have to learn to not listen to Jezebel!

- What you do in private affects you in public

- Make sure what you’re watching and listening to is building you up, not tearing you down. 

How to defeat Jezebel:

1. Don't listen to her - Ephesians 4:27

2. Throw her down - 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

3. Run her over - Romans 16:20 & Luke 10:19