Peter's Denial

May 15, 2024    Andrew Prouty

A warning is a statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger/problem. Jesus gives plenty of general warnings throughout His teachings, but in Luke 22, Jesus gives a crystal-clear warning specifically to Peter, one of His closest disciples. He explains to Peter that Satan is going to test (or sift) him, and that Jesus is praying for him that his faith would not fail. Peter in that moment pledges his loyalty to Jesus, and Jesus prophesies that Peter will deny Jesus three times before the rooster crows.

If you read on in Luke 22 (verses 55-62), you'll see that Jesus was correct, and Peter did deny Him three times. One of Jesus's closest friends denied knowing Him, because he was afraid that he would be crucified with Jesus.

I'm sure many of us would do the same thing when faced with something as painful as crucifixion... and Satan knows this about us. We have to realize that there is an enemy coming for you; he is testing and sifting you, waiting for your faith to fail. Anybody who knew Peter assumed he was iron-clad in his faith with Jesus, but the enemy knew how to attack Peter...

The good news is Jesus knows how the enemy is going to attack you, and He is actively interceding for you - Jesus is praying for you! In every situation, every test, every trial, Jesus is praying for your faith to not fail, for your faith to be fortified!

Often times, we like to read the story of Peter denying Jesus and assume that's the end. That Peter denied Jesus, wept bitterly, and was done following Jesus, but Jesus always has a better plan for us...

In John 21, Jesus was risen from the grave and is making Himself known to His disciples. After breakfast, Jesus asks Peter, "do you love Me?", and Peter answers, "Yes, Lord! You know that I love You." This question and answer happens two more times... Do you think Jesus redeemed Peter by affirming that he loved Jesus three times, because Peter denied Him three times? Do you think Jesus's questions fortified Peter's faith? Did Jesus know in Luke 22 when He warned Peter that this conversation would happen after He conquered the grave?

Jesus loves us - He is praying for us - He is making a way when there is no way - He wants you to put your faith in Him - He's worth it every time.