David & Goliath

Jul 31, 2024    Chris Fullam

David & Goliath is one of the best-known battles in history. Everyone loves an underdog story - the idea that a shepherd boy can stand up to a giant bully and take him down with a stone and a slingshot is captivating. But as believers, this is so much more than a great story. This is a blueprint for how we can overcome our own giants in life today...

The big thing David teaches us here is "Don't let GIANTS dictate the terms of your fight."

- The enemy tries to control or dictate how we fight, where we fight, what we fight with, etc...

- The enemy even tries to tell us what are giants/struggles are going to be - anger, anxiety, depression, addiction, pride, greed, lust. He steps into our lowest moments and tells us how we're going to fight, much like Goliath tells all of Israel how the battle is going to work in 1 Samuel 17.

David does not care about the giant's terms or conditions of the battle (Ephesians 6:12), and he shows us how to do just this:

1. David refuses to fight like the enemy.

- David comes with a staff & slingshot, not a sword and armor like Goliath or even King Saul wanted (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).

- This makes the giant angry (V. 42-44).

2. David puts his confidence in the Lord.

- He verbally tells everyone around that God is going to win this fight and then boldly walks in faith believing every word he said.

- Psalm 121:1-2

3. David didn't do anything new.

- He kept doing what he had been doing in private, and on this day, his actions just happened to become public.

- Keep doing what you should already be doing in private (prayer, the Word, worship, fasting).

So how do you fight giants in your life? You don't fight like them, you put your confidence in the Lord, and you keep doing what you should have been doing all along.