The Character of David

Jul 24, 2024    Chris Fullam

King David is one of the most notable characters in the Bible, known for killing giants, fighting as a great warrior, serving Israel as the most famous Jewish King, and being "a man after God's own heart." The King Me series focuses on David and what we can learn from his many stories.

Before we get into too many things that David did or that happened to him, we need to spend some time getting to know David BEFORE he was King David. 1 Samuel 16:18 gives us 5 characteristics about David. It's important to note that these 5 things are reported from somebody who has heard about David, so he was known in Israel for these 5 things:

1. He was a "talented musician" - he was knowledgeable and skilled in the ability to play & write music.

- He put in TIME to hone his craft.

- David was not an overnight success story, as some people believed. They had no clue the amount of work and effort that went on behind scenes.

- How can we apply this? PUT IN THE WORK. Find your God-given passion and work on it.

2. He was a "brave warrior and a man of war" - this speaks to his strength.

- Strength here doesn't just apply to the amount of weight he could pick up - David was known to have a large amount of strength that could last a long time; he had stamina.

- This is more than physical; he could handle the mental, emotional, and spiritual effects of conflict & struggle.

- Being courageous doesn't mean you're not afraid. It just means you're willing to do the right thing in the face of fear.

- How can we apply this? Pray for bravery to do the right thing when faced with adversity and to stand strong during conflict.

3. He had "good judgement" - he had understanding & discernment.

- Understanding: a mental grasp or the power of comprehending something.

- Discernment: the quality of being able to grasp, perceive, and comprehend what is obscure or not easily visible.

- This gave David the ability to make wise decisions and to speak with intelligence and discernment.

- How can we apply this? The Holy Spirit can give us the power to discern and understanding things when we ask and listen.

4. He was "good looking" - this might seem obvious (yes, David was handsome), but more than that - he was confident.

- David knew that God was with him, and he was confident in who God called him to be. Confidence in the Lord makes you look GOOD!

- How can we apply this? Get to know God and His thoughts about you. You'll grow in confidence in the Lord.

5. "The Lord was with him" - this is the most important characteristic about David. This is what set him apart from everyone else.

- God's presence and favor were with David, and it was EVIDENT!

- Remember, David did not say this about himself; someone else said this about David.

- David was already doing everything God needed him to do before Goliath, before being anointed, and before being king.

- He walked in the character and integrity of the Lord, even as the youngest son of 8 who watched sheep.

- How can we apply this? Be faithful NOW. Wherever God has you, be listening to Him and walk with Him as He directs you.