The Cover Up

Aug 28, 2024    Chris Fullam

We've all made mistakes, even King David. This week we're diving into King David's most scandalous moment, known as the story of David & Bathsheba. This can be found in 2 Samuel chapters 11 & 12, and here are the main points from this story:

1. It all started, because David was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be.

- Chapter 11, verses 1-2

- David should've been fighting & leading his army.

- He was looking where he didn't need to be looking.

- Sin will find you when you're somewhere you shouldn't be and entice you to go further.

2. He had no accountability - nobody would tell him "no".

- Chapter 11, verses 3-4

- You need people in your life that will tell you "no".

- Sometimes you have to ask people to be a voice of reason in areas that you struggle with.

3. David's failed attempts to cover everything up made the situation worse.

- Chapter 11, verses 6-13

- Bathsheba becomes pregnant, and David realizes his mistake is going to be seen by everyone.

- David calls Uriah back from war and encourages him to go be with Bathsheba, his wife. Uriah refuses to go to his wife, because his men were still in the field. Uriah was a man of principles and character.

- Things go from bad to worse when we try to hide our sin.

4. David sends Uriah back out to battle & orders Joab to pull the troops back, causing Uriah's death.

- Chapter 11, verses 14-17

- A few men died from this situation, not just Uriah... David did not show remorse - he just returned to Bathsheba.

5. After the mourning period (following Uriah's death), David took Bathsheba to be his wife.

- Chapter 11, verses 26-27

- David continues to push this cover up along, without repenting.

- You can't hide sin for long.

6. Nathan (a prophet) rebukes David.

- Chapter 12, verses 1-12

- Nathan tells David a story about a rich man who takes advantage of a poor man.

- David is furious and orders that the rich man should be put to death and the other party repaid four times.

- Nathan tells David, "You're that man!"

- Your sin will find you out!

7. David's Repentance & Consequences

- Chapter 12, verses 13-20

- Due to David's arrogance and sin, the child becomes very sick.

- For 7 days, David fasts, prays, and begs for the child's life. David & Bathsheba's son dies.

- David cleans himself and goes to the temple to worship.

- How could he worship God right after his child died because of HIS sin?

- David confessed his sin - he finally admitted he was wrong. He humbled himself and asked for forgiveness from God.

- God will not withhold forgiveness from those that ask for it.

- David walked in the forgiveness that he had been given after the child died.

8. Solomon is born...

- David & Bathsheba have another child - Solomon.

- He becomes the wisest man & king that ever lived... From a relationship that started in scandal with David & Bathsheba.

- David's repentance allowed the Lord to make something incredible out of a messy situation.

David was still known as a man after God's heart... He was always willing to come and repent to the Lord.