You Can’t Sit This One Out

Jan 22, 2025    Nathan Witherell

Conflict is a topic that generally tends to divide people into two camps - fight or flight. Some people strive in conflict and actively seek it out; others avoid it at all costs. In Genesis 14, we learn that conflict is inevitable as you walk on the earth, but there is a way do it biblically.

3 Things We Should Know About Conflict:

1. Conflict is UNAVOIDABLE

- Conflict is a fight, battle, or struggle, especially a prolonged struggle; strife.

- Conflict is a result of our choices - even though he didn’t plan on it, Lot chose where he was going to live and the people groups surrounding him - who are you surrounding yourself with?

- In an effort to avoid conflict with Lot, Abram kept the peace, and in doing so he had to get involved in a much larger conflict later. Things we don’t deal with when they are small can sometimes lead to much bigger consequences 

- PEACE is not the ABSENCE of conflict, it’s the PRESENCE of JESUS.

- Conflict can lead to compromise; Lot’s family was compromised due to the conflict around him

- Indecision is a decision to do nothing 

2. Conflict is NOT PERMANENT

- Abram could’ve easily allowed his disagreement with Lot to prevent him from stepping into action.

- Abram wasn’t looking for conflict. He didn’t step into action until he heard his nephew had been captured.

- Don’t let little hurts and disagreements dismantle your loyalty. There may come a day when you are the one asking for help

- Our environment does not impact us - we impact our environment.

- You may not have 318 men, but you do have a voice. Is there a friend at school struggling, you may have grown apart, is there someone you can step into the fight with?

3. Conflict leads to VICTORY

- Understand there is no victory if there isn’t conflict. 

- First Responders have a term called "dereliction of duty", and it means to NOT act when they are equipped/trained/supposed to.

- James 4:17 “Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.”

‭‭- Remember who’s victory it is and who gets the glory (hint - it's God).

- Abram showed humility and wanted God to have all the glory .

Who do you know that is going through a fight, and how can you support them? Or are you Lot in this scenario, and do you need to reach out for help? Does that mean prayer, does that mean laying down your pride, does it mean just being there to listen?

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.