You Can't Out-Give God
The story of Abraham’s obedience in Genesis 22 is a powerful reminder that true faith demands sacrifice. When God asked Abraham to offer his son Isaac—the very promise that had sustained him for years—Abraham responded with unwavering trust, knowing that God’s plan was greater than his own understanding. This act of surrender teaches us that following God’s call isn’t always easy, but it always leads to His provision and blessings. When we are willing to give up what matters most, God not only provides for our needs, but He expands His promises in ways we can’t imagine. The question is: Are we willing to hear God’s call, obey immediately, and trust that He will provide, even when it feels like we're giving up everything? After all - you can’t out-give God.
There's two perspectives in this story: Abraham & God
⁃Is immediately obedient. He doesn't question God. He gets up the next morning, prepares, and leaves.
⁃He had such a relationship with God that Abraham trusted God with everything.
⁃Remember - "Faith moves at the speed of trust"
⁃Trust: to confidently expect; it's not trust until you fully put your faith in it.
⁃When Isaac questions what's going on, Abraham makes a bold statement - "The Lord will provide."
⁃There are going to be times where not everyone needs to know what God is speaking to you
⁃Obedience starts with hearing God and being willing to do what He says, and it ends in complete surrender.
God's response to our obedience:
1. God intervenes
⁃Do you trust God enough to listen to everything He says to the point that He has to audibly speak to get you to stop?
⁃Does He have to call your name to get your attention, because you are so focused on the last thing He told you to do?
⁃God responds with affirmation and reassurance
2. God provides
⁃God physically provides the ram for the sacrifice - Jehovah Jireh ("the Lord, my provide")
⁃If it doesn't exist, He'll make it for you.
⁃When the Israelites were being fed in the desert for 40 years, they were provided millions and millions of pounds of manna and quail that the Lord provided/made for them.
3. God reaffirms
⁃When Abraham is willing to let his dreams die, God reaffirms His blessing.
⁃The contingent promise made in Genesis 12 is transformed into an unconditional promise in Genesis 22.
4. God expands
⁃In the first promise in Genesis 12, God doesn't mention the seashore or the stars that we see in Genesis 22.
⁃The first promises doesn't mention how big the blessing is.
You Can't Out-Give God