He's Calling You

Jan 24, 2024    Chris Fullam

Busyness is the state of having or being involved in many activities. As Americans, we like to feel busy. Busyness makes us feel important, gives us something to do and be proud of, but busyness also brings distraction. The more busy we are, the less we can be still, the harder it is to relax... After a longer period of being busy, we feel tired, burnt out, restless - sometimes busyness feels like a storm.

In Matthew 14, Jesus calls out to Peter in the storm that Peter finds himself stuck in, and there's a couple of things that we should notice:

1. Peace is not in the ABSENCE of the STORM, but it's in the PRESENCE of JESUS.

- We like to look at situations and say something like "if this could just go away, then I'll have peace." Maybe if your parents stop arguing... if you just got an A in math... if you could stop smoking weed... if you just found a girlfriend/boyfriend...

- That's not how it works! Jesus is Peace! If Jesus isn't in your situation, no matter how good the situation becomes, you won't find peace.

2. Faith DEMANDS you to get out of the BOAT.

- Peter realizes that he needs to be where Jesus is. Jesus tells Peter to come, not the other way around.

- What boat are you clinging to? Your expectation of your future life? School? A relationship?

Inconsistency in your focus will cause you to fall!

Peter walked on water UNTIL he took his eyes of Jesus.

Jesus is calling you! All you have to do is get out of the boat...