You Can Reach Him

Jan 17, 2024    Chris Fullam

At some point in time, we've all felt like an outcast. Like we're not cool enough for the right people, or not important enough to make the difference we want to make.

In Mark 5:25, we meet a woman who has been sick for 12 years. She was rejected, shunned from society, isolated, and outcast for 12 years. She spent all of her money on doctors trying to find a solution to her disease.

She looked everywhere for an answer, like many of us do when we have a problem. We run to our friends, our family, Google, Alexa, therapists, the list goes on and on... We try everything before going to Jesus...

But this woman reached Jesus and received her healing in an instant!

How did she reach Jesus?

1. She HEARD about Him.

- The word “heard” means to become aware of something; to learn about, or to investigate.

- What are you hearing about? What are you listening for?

2. She WENT to Him.

- She left where she was to go to Him!

- It was ALL or NOTHING. By culture standard's at that time, she could have been put to death for being "unclean" and entering a crowd to reach Jesus, but she had faith that Jesus makes the unclean clean!

- She made the conscious decision to leave stuff behind - habits, mindsets, friends, previous failure.

She pushed through all of her pain, problems, and peers to get to Jesus. When she did reach Him, He immediately asked "who touched me?"

She had to speak to Him and about what He did! We can't stay silent on the things that we see and experience from Jesus.

After she answers, Jesus affirms who she is and what she now has:

- She is a daughter - not a disruption, not an inconvenience. She's important!

- She has faith, peace, and freedom!

Jesus is within your reach! He's worth pushing through the crowd for.