Day 3 - Prayer 201

Christian Hallman

Prayer is tricky to explain sometimes, because it’s a very personal thing. Everyone talks to God in their own way, because your own personal relationship with God is yours and yours alone. The words you say are not as important as the heart you bring to the conversation. God wants you in your own private prayer time, not just on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. As Christian says, that’s the secret sauce – private prayer time. Even Jesus went off to pray by himself regularly. Yes, He prayed in front of the disciples and in front of crowds, but He prayed to God in private much more than in public. If Jesus had to pray every day, how much more do we need to pray every day?


TRY THIS: Stretch yourself today and set aside a longer prayer time. If you normally spend 5-10 minutes praying, try 15-20 minutes. If you normal spend 30 minutes, try an hour. Remember prayer isn’t just talking – it’s listening too.

PRAY THIS: Jesus, help me to be consistent in my time with you. Help me to listen for your voice and to under stand when you are speaking... not just when I am praying but all throughout my day. I realize that having a relationship with you is not just when I pray in the morning but that I can bring you into every part of my day. Amen.