Day 5 - Baptism & Communion

Christian Hallman

The “sacraments” may feel like a vocabulary lesson, but they are very important traditions that we still utilize today. The two that you need to know are water baptism and communion.


Water Baptism is a public declaration that you are now alive in Jesus. Before salvation, you were dead in your sin, but now that you have received Jesus as your savior, you are now a new creation. Going underneath the water and coming back out is physical sign of an internal change.


If you are thinking about being baptized or have questions, look at the link below and fill out the form, so we can connect with you! Anyone can be baptized regardless of age, length of salvation, or if you’ve been previously baptized; as long as you’re saved, we’d love to help you share your testimony and love of Jesus.


The second sacrament is communion (also known as the Lord’s Supper). Communion is a reminder of the sacrifice Jesus paid for us on the cross, that He gave His body to be broken and His blood to be poured out for our forgiveness. We do not regularly practice communion in Ascend on Wednesday nights, but on Sunday mornings at GraceWorld, we take communion monthly as a congregation (or group). You do not have to be at church to take communion. Communion can be a private thing between you and God. 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 gives us instructions on how to take communion.


If you’ve never taken communion and would like to, or if you have questions about communion, please feel free to ask a youth leader for help!

TRY THIS: Grab some bread or a cracker and some juice and do communion on your own! All you have to do is read 1 Corinthians 11:23-29, pray the prayer below and then eat a piece of the break/cracker and juice. Remember, this is something between you and Jesus. It is a time you stop and remember what Jesus did on the cross and thank Him.

PRAY THIS: Jesus, thank you for your dying on the cross and forgiving my sins. Thank you for making me new and giving me grace everyday. I know you died just for me. That you took on MY sins and died so that I could have life. Thank you. Thank you for loving me THAT much. Amen.