The Sower = GodThe Seed = the Word, Jesus (look at John 1:1)The Soil = your heartThere are 4 soils/hearts described:1. The Path - hardened ground; unable to receive seed. Your heart might be the path if you resist Jesus or His Words.2. The Rocks - the seed is received with joy but dies once it meets resistance. Your heart might be the rocky soil if you find yourself loving Jesus every Wednesday but turning your back on Him the rest of the week.3. The Thorns - seed is received and grows along with the thorns, but eventually the thorns choke out the Word. Your heart might be the thorny soil if you continually place other things above Jesus (sports, relationships, social media, etc...)4. The Good Soil - seed is received, grown, and produces a crop 30, 60, and a 100 times what was planted.So how do we change our soil? How can we change the condition of our hearts?If you feel like your heart is hard, change your environment!- Change your friend group, find yourself in church more often.If you feel like your heart is rocky, bring in the nutrients!- Read your Bible, pray more often, listen to a Christian podcast, ask a youth leader to disciple you and call you higher.If you feel like your heart is surrounded by thorns, prune the roses!- Roses have thorns! The "pretty things" in our life have thorns that will choke out Jesus in our life if not pruned.- Get your ambitions in check - wanting to be rich, having a position on a sports team, being popular, having a following...- These are all good things, but they can't be more important than Jesus.If you feel like you're the good soil, ask yourself, "what does your fruit say?"- The Bible says you will know Christians by their fruits, meaning the fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.- Do you show those characteristics regularly? If so, you probably are good soil, and you and Jesus are tight. Keep putting Him first! Take some time to reread this parable and ask Jesus where you're at and what you need to do to get to the next step. " /> The Sower = GodThe Seed = the Word, Jesus (look at John 1:1)The Soil = your heartThere are 4 soils/hearts described:1. The Path - hardened ground; unable to receive seed. Your heart might be the path if you resist Jesus or His Words.2. The Rocks - the seed is received with joy but dies once it meets resistance. Your heart might be the rocky soil if you find yourself loving Jesus every Wednesday but turning your back on Him the rest of the week.3. The Thorns - seed is received and grows along with the thorns, but eventually the thorns choke out the Word. Your heart might be the thorny soil if you continually place other things above Jesus (sports, relationships, social media, etc...)4. The Good Soil - seed is received, grown, and produces a crop 30, 60, and a 100 times what was planted.So how do we change our soil? How can we change the condition of our hearts?If you feel like your heart is hard, change your environment!- Change your friend group, find yourself in church more often.If you feel like your heart is rocky, bring in the nutrients!- Read your Bible, pray more often, listen to a Christian podcast, ask a youth leader to disciple you and call you higher.If you feel like your heart is surrounded by thorns, prune the roses!- Roses have thorns! The "pretty things" in our life have thorns that will choke out Jesus in our life if not pruned.- Get your ambitions in check - wanting to be rich, having a position on a sports team, being popular, having a following...- These are all good things, but they can't be more important than Jesus.If you feel like you're the good soil, ask yourself, "what does your fruit say?"- The Bible says you will know Christians by their fruits, meaning the fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.- Do you show those characteristics regularly? If so, you probably are good soil, and you and Jesus are tight. Keep putting Him first! Take some time to reread this parable and ask Jesus where you're at and what you need to do to get to the next step. " /> The Parable of the Sower | Ascend Student Ministries

The Parable of the Sower

Mar 6, 2024    Christian Hallman

Have you ever looked in a Bible and seen red letters in the New Testament? Those words are in red, because they're the words of Jesus. So this month during the series RED, we will be looking at specific things that Jesus said.

Let's start with the first parable (or story) that Jesus shares. Go ahead and read the scriptures in Mark 4 highlighted in this article before continuing.

The parable of the sower is not only the first parable, but it's also a super important one. Jesus says, "if you don't understand this one, how will you understand any other ones?" So let's break it down -->

The Sower = God

The Seed = the Word, Jesus (look at John 1:1)

The Soil = your heart

There are 4 soils/hearts described:

1. The Path - hardened ground; unable to receive seed. Your heart might be the path if you resist Jesus or His Words.

2. The Rocks - the seed is received with joy but dies once it meets resistance. Your heart might be the rocky soil if you find yourself loving Jesus every Wednesday but turning your back on Him the rest of the week.

3. The Thorns - seed is received and grows along with the thorns, but eventually the thorns choke out the Word. Your heart might be the thorny soil if you continually place other things above Jesus (sports, relationships, social media, etc...)

4. The Good Soil - seed is received, grown, and produces a crop 30, 60, and a 100 times what was planted.

So how do we change our soil? How can we change the condition of our hearts?

If you feel like your heart is hard, change your environment!

- Change your friend group, find yourself in church more often.

If you feel like your heart is rocky, bring in the nutrients!

- Read your Bible, pray more often, listen to a Christian podcast, ask a youth leader to disciple you and call you higher.

If you feel like your heart is surrounded by thorns, prune the roses!

- Roses have thorns! The "pretty things" in our life have thorns that will choke out Jesus in our life if not pruned.

- Get your ambitions in check - wanting to be rich, having a position on a sports team, being popular, having a following...

- These are all good things, but they can't be more important than Jesus.

If you feel like you're the good soil, ask yourself, "what does your fruit say?"

- The Bible says you will know Christians by their fruits, meaning the fruits of the Spirit - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

- Do you show those characteristics regularly? If so, you probably are good soil, and you and Jesus are tight. Keep putting Him first!

Take some time to reread this parable and ask Jesus where you're at and what you need to do to get to the next step.