In Spirit & In Truth

Mar 13, 2024    Eddie Maura

Worship is something we all do without realizing it. To worship something means you show it honor and reverence; your actions says "this is worthy of my attention." Even people who aren't Christians worship something. Maybe they worship nature, video games, another person, a hobby, their job, or even themselves. As Christ-followers, we're called to ONLY worship God. Now obviously, we still have to go to school, go to work, care for those around us, have hobbies... so how do we go about life and only worship God?

Worship isn't just an action or specific time frame. It's not just a song or the first part of youth service. Worship is a heart condition. What do you think about while you're doing life? What drives you to keep going? What's the first thing you think about in the morning and the last thing you think about at night? If someone continually thinks about money - when they're working, when they're cooking dinner, when they're doing homework - money is the first and last thing they think about - then they're worshiping money. Yes, they do everyday things that take their attention, but their motive for most things they do is money. Money's not a bad thing, but if you place it above God... you're going to run into problems.

So in John 4, Jesus is speaking with a woman at a well while she's drawing water. They're having a conversation, and Jesus tells her that it doesn't matter where she worships, just that she worships God in Spirit and in truth.

- To worship God in Spirit is to have a continual spiritual relationship with God. Do you know Him? Do you know the Holy Spirit?

- To worship God in truth is to know His truth and walk in it. The Word (the Bible) is the truth. Do you know His Word? Do you use it in your everyday life?

Worshiping God doesn't stop you from living life or having fun - it just requires you to know Him and His Word. Once you know Him, you'll see Him in the everyday things, and that's how you live a life of worship.