What's The Next Step?

Feb 21, 2024    Chris Fullam

Last week, we talked about identity (who you are in Jesus) and purpose (what He wants you to do), and let's say you know who you are in Jesus, you have a good grasp on your purpose, and you're ready for the next step.... what's the next step?

We all wish dating was as easy as step 1, step 2, step 3, but it's not.

- When you rush what isn't ready, you will end up in ruins.

- It's perfectly natural to want to get married. It's completely normal, but it's something that shouldn't be rushed.

- Should you keep doing what you're already doing? YES! Be faithful where you are with what you've been given, and God will bring you what's next.

- To be faithful in something requires you to be consistent in it and to make sure that it is taken care of.

Let's say you are already dating... one of the questions we hear all the time is "how far is too far?"

Imagine a campfire. Fire itself is normal and natural. You can build it for light, warmth, safety, comfort... Now imagine building a campfire in the middle of your living room. That makes no sense. There are certain parameters and conditions that a fire should be built within. When we don't have boundaries or start things in places they shouldn't be, bad things happen - people get burned. When we allow our passions to run wild, we are lighting fires without parameters.

- Boundaries shouldn't be viewed as "how far can we go" or "what can we do"

- Boundaries establish value!

- When you haven't established or perceived value for someone, you will never fight for that person (Proverbs 29:18).

So what are some good boundaries to have when you're dating?

- Don’t find yourself alone. Go out in groups and with friends

- Don’t do anything you wouldn’t do in front of your parents and Jesus (Cuddles lead to struggles y'all)

- Ask yourself and your significant other, how are you growing as individuals and as a couple

- Ask your parents what they thinking about dating, who you're dating, and what boundaries they recommend

- Have mentors that speak into you as individuals but also as a couple