Satisfied in Singleness

Feb 14, 2024    Chris Fullam, Analysa Fullam, Christian Hallman

"Singleness is a gift" is a phrase we hear a lot, but what does it actually mean? First, let's define singleness... If you're not married, you're single. Even if you're dating someone, you're still single. What about if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Single. What about if you're engaged? Guess what - still single. Anybody who's not married is single.

So then how is being single a gift? Let's go to the beginning...

1. Finding Identity in Singleness

- In Genesis, God breathes identity into man. God creates man out of dirt, breathes life into him, and he (Adam) becomes a living being. Then Adam walks with God in the garden.

- During this time, Adam learns who he is - he's God's creation!

- Singleness is the greatest gift we have to prepare us for what God has for us. The season grows us and allows us a time where we can correct course easily. 

- This is your time to learn how to hear God's voice for yourself. You learn the difference between a GOOD thing and GOD thing here.

- Marriage won't fix your problems - loneliness, addictions, promiscuity, and on and on. You have to know Jesus personally and allow Him to walk you through your problems.

- When you understand who Jesus is and what His word says, you’ll find your identity and purpose! 

2. Finding Purpose in Singleness

In Genesis, Adam was working when God identified the need for a HELPER - someone to come along side and fulfill the purpose.

- The season of singleness is so vital. Jesus wants to pour vision inside of you. He wants to show you who YOU are WITHOUT another person. 

- You CAN reach your purpose without being married! Jesus did. Paul did. John the Baptist did. Martha did. None married, but all fulfilled their purpose. 

- Two halves don't make a whole in marriage. 50% from one person and 50% from the other person does not equal 100% in marriage. Both people have to give 100%, and the only way to do that is to know your purpose!

- If you think part of your purpose is marriage, you’re WRONG. Your purpose is fulfilling what God has intended you to accomplish on this earth as an individual - and IF He sees fit, He will bring someone to run the race with you!!!! So find out what THAT is and run after it - not a person.

So what are some practical things you should be doing right now in your singleness?

- View it as an opportunity / gift not a burden 

- Define areas you want to grow in and use the time to grow 

- Strengthen your friends/relationships 

- Use it to learn new things/find out what you like to do (Adventure) 

- Serve in your singleness 

- Define what you are looking for when no one is in mind. 

- Find a mentor and have them speak into you to help you grow

Run after Jesus and the purpose in your life, and let God bring someone to strengthen that!!!