The What Ifs

Jun 28, 2024    Jenny Yaekel

So we know this year’s theme for City Week is Even if, but praying into what to write about, what to say, and what I felt God wanted us to focus in on this week, I couldn’t get the “what if’s” out of my head. I don’t mean in the sense of, “what if this doesn’t work out” or “what if I’m not good/strong/smart enough”, or even "what if God doesn’t work this out."

The what if that God placed on my heart for us to focus on, is “what if this didn’t happen?" And I’m sure that sounds out of place to question what if God didn’t let this happen or bring me through X-Y-Z…. But there’s a special revelation that I’ve noticed that comes from recognizing the what if’s. We can juggle all the possibilities in the world of how life would be different if this or that didn’t happen, but if we take a minute to recognize what if this didn’t happen, what wouldn’t have happened in God’s calling on our lives - that’s when our stories start to show God’s design through them.


One person in scripture that has more than enough reason to think “what if this didn’t happen” is Joseph. Joseph, being the youngest of his brothers, was envied because of the love of his father, Jacob. In a cliff-notes version, here’s his story (if you want more details, read Genesis 37-45):

⁃ Joseph is Dad’s FAVORITE out of 12 sons, he's given a super cool coat, and his brother’s get jealous of him.

⁃ Joseph's brother’s overhear Joseph saying they’ll bow to him and he’s going to reign over a nation (Joseph was retelling a dream he had).

⁃ Joseph is then sold into slavery by his own brothers.

⁃ Joseph becomes a servant to Potiphar, an officer of Egypt, and over several years becomes master of Potiphar's household.

⁃ Joseph is accused of mistreating Potiphar’s wife… and sent STRAIGHT TO JAIL.

⁃ Joseph interprets dreams in jail for pharaoh’s baker and cupbearer.

⁃ Pharaoh needs an interpreter; the cupbearer says he knows a guy (that’s Joseph).

⁃ Joseph interprets pharaoh’s dream, is promoted to have power over all of Egypt, and serves under Pharaoh.

⁃ Joseph prepares for famine to come, when HIS BROTHERS SHOW UP and ask for food

⁃ Joseph tests their integrity

⁃ Surprise!!! Joseph tells his family that he’s alive and is gonna help them out

⁃ Ta-da! God works it all out, and they’re one big happy family again


Joseph had the choice to be resentful and upset at all that had happened, thinking “what if this didn’t happen?” Maybe Joseph could've stayed with his family, known his little brother, and seen his siblings and dad grow up. Or maybe he could've seen the negative what ifs - he and his family would most likely be dead, they would starve, growing up his siblings would continue to resent and hate him, he’d feel alone...


Joseph saw through this, and he saw how God moved all these different things together, to keep himself and his family cared for. Joseph’s response in Genesis 45:4-5 says “'Please, come closer,' he said to them. So they came closer. And he said again, “I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into slavery in Egypt. But don’t be upset, and don’t be angry with yourselves for selling me to this place. It was God who sent me here, ahead of you to preserve your lives.”"

So instead of feeling sorry for himself; Joseph remembered that “what if this didn’t happen.” Instead of looking at what he lost, he looked at what God had given him, what he had gained, and how he wouldn’t have become the leader in that dream when he was a teenager, without his “what if” moments.


The story of Joseph helps us remember that sometimes the things we go through, have purpose, and what if they didn’t happen? Would you still be alone? Would you still be depressed? Would you be miles away in a different state? In the wrong friend group? Or would you have even made it to City Week? God working doesn't often make sense in the moment. We only see one step at a time, but when we look back, a lot of the hardships or bad times are often part of a beautiful story. So I challenge you, see God in what you’ve been through, and see how He’s working for you.

Talk with your cabin:

- Have you been dealing with "what ifs" in your mind?

- What is a hardship you've faced in your life that you can see God working through?